Players and Parents,
We’re excited to roll out one new aspect to the Fairview Lacrosse program - the Leadership and Mentoring Program. The program’s goal is two-fold: To match an upperclassmen with an underclassmen in order to instill a bond across all levels of the program and reduce the uncertainty of a new environment with our underclassmen. The second aspect will be to teach our upperclassmen some leadership skills which will benefit the team in the Spring.
Coach Kelley has tabbed Coach Mike Flood to run this program given his background, training and passion. As a former player and current teacher, Coach Flood has been on the receiving end of countless hours of leadership training. In addition, he is currently a Knight Crew trainer, responsible for training our juniors and seniors to be leaders and role models for our freshman class. He is excited to take on this new role as a leadership development coach.
Here is what the 2015 Leadership and Mentoring program will look like:
Leadership - All junior and senior lacrosse players will meet once a month during block lunch (either Wed. or Thurs.) for leadership training. In these meetings we will discuss different aspects of leadership, and equip our upper class-men with leadership skills and applications for both lacrosse and life beyond. .
The first meeting for our juniors and seniors will be 10/7 and 10/8 during block lunch in room 212. All juniors and seniors will be expected to attend one of those two sessions.
Mentoring - Each upperclassman will be paired with an underclassman in an effort to help our younger players connect with the school, with peers, trusted adults, and to connect with the program. The lacrosse staff will guide these peer-to-peer interactions in an effort to create program unity and success.
To view the assigned peer groups, please click this link:
Note: If you do not see your name on the list, please contact Coach Flood
Community - Every player will be asked to volunteer 4 service hours before the beginning of the season. The lacrosse staff will arrange community service hours around Fairview High School itself, the Community Food Share, and other community organizations. Our goal is to help players look beyond themselves and beyond the program and offer a helping hand to our local community.
OCTOBER Volunteer Opportunities:
10/2 - Cleanup after Fairview / Monarch Homecoming Game
10/6 from 4:00 - 6:00 - Community Food Share Warehouse Volunteer
10/10 from 10:00 am -12:00pm - Clean up around FHS turf & paint senior lot
10/13 from 4:00 - 6:00 - Community Food Share Warehouse Volunteer
10/15 from 3:30pm - 4:30 pm - General Landscape/maintenance around FHS.
10/20 from 4:00 - 6:00 - Community Food Share Warehouse Volunteer
10/22 from 3:30pm - 4:30 pm - General Landscape/maintenance around FHS.
10/23 - Clean up home football game
10/27 from 4:00 - 6:00 - Community Food Share Warehouse Volunteer
10/29 from 3:30pm - 4:30 pm - General Landscape/maintenance around FHS.
10/30 - Clean up home football game
To sign up for these activities, preferably with your peer group, email Coach Flood at and let him know which dates you would like to serve. Remember we are asking for 4 hours before the start of the season; These are only our October opportunities. There will be more opportunities every month.
Your FHS Lacrosse Coaching Staff
“Unity Over Self”